Velasquez Family News

A monthly email NEWSLETTER with news of coffee specials, sustainable farming practices, the latest Velasquez Family Coffee news and much more.

February 2011 Coffee News

-Worst of Winter Photo Contest
-The Cost of a Cup of Coffee
-Open House Brunch

January 2011 News

-News on the Coffee Harvest
-New Years in Honduras
-Visit the Coffee Farm Yourself

December 2010 Coffee News

-Traveling to Honduras
-WikiLeaks in Honduras
-Calls for the DREAM Act
-Holiday Flavors and Gift Ideas

November 2010 Coffee News

-Coffee Production Update
-Holiday Flavors are Here!
-Community Togetherness Opportunties

October 2010 Coffee News

-Holiday Flavor options
-News from Honduras
-News from the Velasquez Family
-Outdoor Treasures

September 2010 Coffee News

-Meeting New Customers
-A Family on Bikes
-History of Coffee and other new links

August 2010 Coffee News

-Coffee Has Arrived
-Summer on the Coffee Farm
-Guillermo Featured
-Links to Coffee Recipes

2007 Coffee News

Find the following in our 2007 Newsletters:
-Trick or Treat for Squash? (Nov)
-Holiday gift ideas (Nov, Dec)
-Hurricanes and Disaster Prevention (Oct)
-35-W Bridge collapse (Aug)
-Coop America Business Network (Aug)
-Fair Trade (July, Aug, Sept)
-Family Togetherness: Maximo and Natalia visit Minnesota (June, Dec)
-Paul Hawken, excerpt on the world's largest movement (May)
-Holy Week in Honduras (Apr)
-Visit to our Coffee Roaster (with photos!) (Mar)
-Honduran Orphanage benefits from VFC fundraiser (Feb)
-News from the coffee farm (Jan, Feb, June, Sept, Oct)
-Coffee customers from Iowa to Iraq (Jan)

July 2010 Coffee News

-Challenges Remain One Year After Honduran Coup
-Honduras Leaves World Cup Disappointed
-Our 2010 Coffee Has Reached the US

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